Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Had a birthday yesterday - it was funny.

Busy and filled with fun and some just normal things.  Amazing at how birthdays with little ones around end up seeming like normal life....but it was good.

After a challenging 3 weeks with Simon and low weight gain, he blew us away with a 5oz gain over the weekend.  That was one of the best parts of my birthday - seeing hardwork pay off in my sons little double chin.

Also - my husband rocked my sox by giving me 31 love letters over the next 31 days - 2 are written so far and have filled me up with life.   I've always told Joel...."I don't care what the gift is as long as you never forget the card...."  I love that he took it a step further and decided to focus in on words of love above all else.

I was also blessed with an ice cream maker....gorgeous water pitcher and some lovelies from Crate & Barrel....such a sucker for housewares.

Otherwise, I'm just thankful to be healthy, cared for & to have 3 healthy boys.  (I miss you Jude - love that you are with your cousins....thank you for calling me last night!  My heart swelled to hear your voice.)

Thanks for all the wishes & love...always feels so good to start a new year.  Here we go 31!
from sweet Jude while he's away with his cousins for the week.  xoxo!

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