Thursday, June 11, 2009

A new role...

Well, after years in the corporate world under the Marriott Sales umbrella, I gave it all up for ministry/mommyhood. While it has been utterly and 100% worth it, I do miss the work world. I miss the networking lunches, afterhours get-togethers, and the morning reports.

Joel and I have been brainstorming ways to utilize those desires and put them into a more suitable role. We've decided to plunge ahead with Joel's side freelance business, Joel Miller Design (catchy name, eh). I remember when Joel was in college-Kendall College of Art and Design-and the thoughts/dreams he had about what he would do with his degree. It's remarkable to think that each of his dreams would come true:

1-He would have a steady job with insurance to provide for his family (Thanks Twist Creative Incorporated)
2-He would have ability to do some side freelance work as well

So, recently we've decided how I can fit into those dreams...I am pregnant with our next baby so going to back to work isn't an I've recently been hired as Joel's assistant. Yep, he's my boss. So far so good! :) With what he has learned from TWIST and what I've learned about design from him...we think we can make a great team...he with the "raw talent" and me with the proactive sales experience.

So, friends...who read this, keep an eye out for us. Joel's work and portfolio can be found at
and we're both on LinkedIn as well. Network with us and we'll network with you!

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