Thursday, May 13, 2010

all you need is love

Sorry if I got a song stuck in your head.

It's been a really wonderful week.  Mothers Day was lovely.  Calm. Peaceful. My heart is still and grateful for the sons I have here.  I am also grateful for the one waiting for me in heaven.

After a crazy season of 'scrimpin' & pinchin' I am proud to say my culinary skills are getting more and more creative.  I am looking at my pantry with more in my repertoire. I am seeing past the crisper in my fridge and gazing at a spice rack that is brimming with possibilities.

I had asked Joel last week to bring home some potatoes from the market.  He was pumped about how cheap he got them.  The next day I was planning to do loaded baked potatoes and a salad bar and noticed something: These Potatoes are ALL rotten!  (No wonder how cheap they were!)

I threw the soft, green little guys away and had to start over.  I didn't want to do 'just salad' so I gazed into the fridge.  Trying to be creative.  Trying to be inventive.  Using love in what I make for my family.

I saw bacon....lettuce....tomatoes and thought: BLT's!  Perfect.  'Cept that we're sick of BLT's.  So, i put a spin on it and stuck them on tortillas on a bed of couscous and sauteed onions.  Spicy brown mustard and Avacado top the open-faced soft taco and voila!  No joke....Joel told me this is now one of his all time favorite dinners....I just had to laugh!

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