I remember enjoying each of those prenatal visits with my first son, Jude. Just doctor and I (sometimes Joel would join us) and I loved asking all of my questions, confirming things I thought I knew, checking to make sure baby was still OK and just loving all that came with the magical season of pregnancy.
When I was pregnant with Lee, I remember how sweet it was taking my 4 yr old Jude along and letting him experience it with me, full of just as many questions.
This time around, it is an entirely different situation. This time I'm taking my 2 yr old jolly Leland along and I'm spending more time laughing at this guy than I am being overly concerned with the growing fetus.
Each time we go, I can expect him to:
-Tell nurses and doctors to 'SHHHHH the baby is sleeping...."
-Wear sunglasses like its part of his religion
-Sit RIGHT next to me while they listen to the heartbeat and try to help the doctor maneuver it around my belly.
-Promptly say, 'Your Icky Mommy' pointing to the jelly stuff they put on your belly and wipe off after
So glad my OB laughs along with me and is as patient as she is. This little 'brudder' inside has no idea the 2 yr old big bro awaiting him.....