our hearts desire...
It's been over a year that Joel and I have decided it was time to make Jude a big brother...disappointment came month after month with negative preg tests and then the miscarriage....what a heart ache.
We are starting on the path of wellness, so to speak. Investigating what might be wrong or what could help us along the route. It's funny because we KNOW it's in God's hands....and the timing is perfect when left to Him but also feel responsibility to get healthy, enough rest, enough water, and to be saturated in prenatal vitamins. It's all about creating a healthy and successful home for a child to grow. It's such an honor.
Pray for us-Tuesday morning i am having a laparoscopy done to take a look inside to ensure all is well with me. Joel is good....so I am praying and hoping....and holding onto faith...sometimes it's grand and sometimes it's mustard seed-size...but it exists. With that, I know a mountain can be moved....
Join yours with ours, friends..